Keynote 1 

 Smart batteries for future electro-mobility

Prof. YAZAMI Rachid

KVI PTE LTD, Singapore



Prof. Rachid Yazami, is a native of Fez, Morocco and a graduate of the Grenoble Institute of Technology (INPG) electrochemistry and materials science where he also received a Ph.D. on graphite intercalation compounds for lithium battery application, and began his career and rose to research director at CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) in Grenoble, France.
Yazami is the inventor involved in more than 140 patents related to battery technology, including on state of charge, state of health and state of safety of batteries together with ultra-fast charge technologies. He also invented the graphite anode in 1979 currently used in most commercial lithium-ion batteries, an over $30B/year business. Dr. Yazami co-authored over 250 articles including peers reviewed papers, and book chapters on batteries and battery materials and systems.
A founder in 2007 of CFX battery, Inc., (Contour Energy Systems) a primary and rechargeable lithium and fluoride battery start-up company in Azusa, California, Yazami has also been a visiting associate in Materials Science and in Chemistry at Caltech (Pasadena, California) in collaboration with JPL/NASA for 10 years. He served the President position of the International Battery Association (IBA) and as International Scientific Board member of several lithium battery conferences and events.
In 2010, Dr. Yazami joined the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore (NTU) where he held the Nanyang Visiting Professor in Materials Science position. Until 2018, he served as the Director of the Energy Storage programs with the Energy Research Institute (ERI@N). Current research areas cover lithium batteries and “Beyond Lithium” future battery technologies, including liquid anode alkali metal-air and fluoride ion batteries. He is also was a PI of battery research at the TUM Create Center of e-mobility, jointly managed by NTU and the Technological University of Munich.
In 2011 Yazami founded KVI PTE LTD a start-up company in Singapore dedicated to battery life and safety enhancement for mobile electronics, large energy storage and electric vehicles applications. KVI is a licensee of Caltech, CNRS and NTU patents invented by Yazami and his team on battery thermodynamics. The technology is currently endorsed by major mobile electronics, EV and battery manufacturers and R&D Centers. Applications include accurate assessments of state of charge, state of health and state of safety and ultrafast battery charging systems.
In recognition of his pioneer work on the graphite anode in lithium-ion batteries, Yazami received several scientific awards, including from NASA, NATO, IBA, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship, the Hawaii Battery, the IEEE, the Draper Prize of the US National Academy of Engineering. He was a finalist of the Global Energy Award (Russia) and of the Marius Lavet Prize (France).
In 2014 Yazami was decorated by HM the King of Morocco and is the recipient of the French Legion of Honor in 2016. Recently he received the “2018’ Takreem Award” in Science and Technology Innovation, considered the Arab Scientist of the Year Award.

Keynote 2 

 Bio Inspired Algorithms for Global Optimization and Engineering Applications

Prof. HACHIMI Hanaa

Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Morocco



Prof. Dr. Hanaa Hachimi, Ph.D in Applied Mathematics & Computer Science and a Ph.D in Mechanics & Systems Reliability, Secretary General of Sultan Moulay Slimane University in Beni Mellal. President of the Moroccan Society of Engineering Sciences and Technology (MSEST). I am Associate Professor at the Sultan Moulay Slimane University (USMS) of Beni Mellal, Morocco. I am Director of the Systems Engineering Laboratory (LGS) and IEEE Senior Member, precisely I am affiliated at the Big Data, Optimization, Service and Security (BOSS) team at USMS. I am Lecture and Keynote Speaker of the courses: Optimization & Operational Research, Graph Theory, Statistics, Probability, Reliability and Scientific Computing. I am Member of the Moroccan Society of Applied Mathematics (SM2A).

Previously Associate Professor at Ibn Tofail University, National School of Applied Sciences of Kenitra, Morocco. 

Keynote 3

 Sharing Project Experience through PV-EMUL/IRESEN Project : Design of Photovoltaic Simulator for PV System Components Testing

Prof. Yousfi Driss

Mohamed First University, Morocco



Pr. Driss Yousfi received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Fes University, Morocco and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Oujda University, in 2001.

From 1997 to 2001 he was a member of the Electrical Engineering Laboratory at the High National School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering-Casablanca Morocco, working on Modelling and Sensorless Control of Synchronous Motors. 

Until December 2013, he has been with ENSA-Marrakech University, Morocco as professor at the Electrical Engineering Department. He is currently Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Mohammed Premier University-ENSA and staff member of ESETI Laboratory. 

Between June 2011 and July 2012 he was Research Associate at University Malaya Power Energy Dedicated Advanced Centre (UMPEDAC), Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia.

He has been also Scientific and Technical Consultant for Altran Maroc between 2017 and 2019 in a project dealing with 10kW EV traction system design.

From April 2016 he is Project Coordinator with IRESEN (Institut de Recherche en Energie Solaire et Energies Nouvelles) for the project PV-EMUL that concerns the design of Photovoltaic Simulator for PV inverter evaluation and testing. 

Driss Yousfi has been an active Member in IEEE Vehicular Technologies, Industry Applications, Industrial Electronics and Power Electronics Societies, and part of organizing and steering committees of several IEEE conferences.

His main research interests include grid connected PV inverter, power converters and motor drives for electric vehicle traction systems and DSP-based systems for real-time control.


Keynote 4

Title: Exploring the Scalability and Privacy Effectiveness of Extreme-Scale Distributed Parallel Optimization for Energy Communities with P2P Energy Exchanges and Flexibility Services


Pr. Pierluigi Siano

University of Salerno


Pierluigi Siano received the M.Sc. degree in electronic engineering and the Ph.D. degree in information and electrical engineering from the University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy, in 2001 and 2006, respectively.

He is a Professor and Scientific Director of the Smart Grids and Smart Cities Laboratory with the Department of Management & Innovation Systems, University of Salerno.

His research activities are centered on demand response, on energy management, on the integration of distributed energy resources in smart grids, on electricity markets and on planning and management of power systems.

 In these research fields he has co-authored more than 550 articles including more than 300 international journal papers that received in Scopus more than 11000 citations with an H-index equal to 51.

In 2019 and 2020 he received the award as Highly cited Researcher by ISI Web of Science Group. He has been the Chair of the IES TC on Smart Grids.


Open Journal of the IEEE IES, IET Smart Grid and IET Renewable Power Generation.

 Keynote 5

Smart Grids - Status and Trends


Pr. Michael Schmidt

Institute of Energy Systems Technology (INES), Offenburg University


Prof. Dr. Michael Schmidt holds a degree and a PhD in mathematics from the Technical University Berlin and worked early on in engineering applications in electrical engineering. From 2008 to 2013, he worked in the global research department of General Electric (GE), where he served first as project manager and then as department head of the "Renewable Energy and Power Systems" research department. In 2013, he followed a call to Saarland University. Since Oct. 1, 2014, he is professor for Renewable Energy Systems and their Grid Integration at Hochschule Offenburg and since 2016 deputy head of the Institute for Sustainable Energy Systems (INES). Prof. Schmidt is leading the research group “Intelligent Energy Networks”. His main research interests are in the field of grid-friendly energy management of microgrids and prosumer-grid interaction.

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